Detransition, Baby: An Honest Review Chapter 1
I will start each review with a plot summary. I will try not to give spoilers for future chapters. Then I will comment on the aspects of the story and characters that I find relevant to the gender discussion. This means that in addition to my initial listen to the whole book, I will be listening to each chapter two more times. I hope you appreciate my sacrifice. Summary of Chapter We are introduced to Reese, a 35 year old transsexual woman. Reese is on a ‘date’ with her “Cowboy”, a married man who is HIV+, a result of a previous affair with a different transwoman. While riding to pick up takeout, Reese thinks about her attraction to married men and the new sexual thrill she’s discovered by having sex with an HIV+ man. She compares the potential risk of contracting HIV to the possibility of pregnancy that women face. She has even taken to calling her PreP prescription ‘birth control’. Reese thinks about the fact that as a transwoman she can not have a baby, yet she desperately want...