
Showing posts from April, 2021

Long Overdue Apology to the Lesbian Community

 As I've stated before, the views I hold now are not the ones I held a few years ago. I've grown, apologized and hopefully moved on to a healthier viewpoint. However there are some things I'd like to specifically apologize for now. I want to apologize for statements I made in relation to a women's event I attended early in my transition. To be clear, this particular event was inclusive of transwomen, as long as the transwoman was "living full-time as a woman", Also, while the event was predominantly for lesbian and bisexual women, it was not exclusive to women of those sexualities. I did not attend with the intention of anything sexual happening, nor did it. Perhaps you could say that I wanted to attend for "validation", but mainly I just was looking for an event that I could attend to replace the gay men events I was no longer allowed to be a part of. Would I attend this event again in the future, probably not, but I might. I am supportive of events...

"Trans" Youth Suicides: Do We Know the Truth?

The warning is sounded often and loudly. "If you don't let your 'trans child' transition, they will possibly kill themselves.", "Would you rather have a live daughter or a dead son?", "Over 40% of 'trans' kids attempt suicide." Pretty scary stuff, right? All of this is used to support the idea that children should be allowed to socially and medically transition. After all, we don't want children to suffer, and we certainly don't want them dying. Only a complete monster would advocate for the death of children, and you're not a monster, are you? Let's look at some numbers. The Trevor Project did a 2020 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health . This survey had 40,000 respondents age 13-24 who "identified" as either 1 of over 100 sexualities that was not "heterosexual" or 1 of over 100 gender identities that was not "cisgender", or both (Side note: WTF!) I could not find a breakdown of LGB...