"Transwoman" is ALSO not a Feeling

Responding to a comment about TW in the world of The Handmaid's Tale, I questioned how many men would choose to transition if they knew that it meant certain death. Even in the real world, how many would transition if it truly meant giving up male privilege or entering a society that was more restrictive of women than most Western countries are. Would you still transition if it meant you couldn't have a job? A bank account? An education? If you had to be property of another male relative until you were married to a man and then became his property?

I was told there would still be transwomen, they just wouldn't transition. I've frequently said that you aren't a TW if you don't transition. But for some reason this was my "Aha!" moment. Of course I've heard women say that "Being a woman isn't a feeling". I've agreed with it many times. But for the first time it finally hit me: They think being a transwoman is ALSO just a feeling.

No sir! Being a transwoman is not "just a feeling" any more than being a woman is. It is the material reality of being a male that transitions to present themselves to the world as closely as possible to as if we were women. I don't care how much dysphoria you think you feel. I don't care that you spend 8 hours a day online telling your Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, and Discord communities that you are a TW. I don't care if you fall asleep every night and dream about being a transwoman. Until you walk outside in every aspect of your life presenting yourself as if you were a woman you are a M-A-N!

Don't sit there and tell me that a "feeling" is the same as the act of transition I went through. Don't lecture me on "how hard it is to be a transwoman" when you don't know because the only one that knows you are a "TW" is you. Don't tell me how "transwomen are treated" when you don't experience how we are treated.

Women are not a feeling. They are physical beings. Transwomen are also physical beings. Every day of the last 5 years of my life has been impacted by the fact that I exist as a male attempting to live as closely as I can to as if I was a woman in this world. Every interaction, every action. If I'm really lucky maybe it's assumed that I am a woman. Otherwise I'm seen as a transwoman, which isn't the "OMG you're going to get killed" catastrophe that some want to make it out to be. Either way, both have societal impact that is sadly more negative than being seen as a man. So just because you "don't like" that you are seen as a man, that doesn't make you a transwoman.

Truth is, all you "Internet TW", all you "pre-everything trans lesbian". even you non-binaries like Sam Smith and Demi Lovato, you still get the luxury to not be trans when you don't want to be. I think in 10 years a lot of the people with they/ze/zir in their bio are going to look back and chuckle at a weird phase they went through. All you that claim that "They" want to exterminate trans people? Well if that actually came to pass, you can stay safe behind your computer. 


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